Kumpulan Sms Lucu Terbaru

kumpulan sms lucu - fun sms, jokes sms, funny sms
sms lucu terbaru - kata kata lucu gokil

Seorang nenek yang nyebrang jalan hampir ketabrak motor.

Pengendara motor marah : "Nenek bego! Nyebrang jalan gak liat2!"

Nenek sewot : "Lo yg bego!! Nabrak nenek-nenek aja gak kena..!!"


IF u need ADVICE, message me.

If u need FRIEND, call me.

If u need HELP, e-mail me.

If u need MONEY, nomor yg anda tuju tidak dapat dihubungi. terima kasih.


Ketika masih sekolah kusadari, "Rajin Pangkal Pandai". Saat sudah bekerja kuyakini, "Hemat Pangkal Kaya". Setelah menikah kurasakan, "Nikmatnya Pangkal Paha"


"Barang siapa yang menghambur-hamburkan SMS-mu dan menggunakan Pulsamu dengan sia-sia maka merugilah mereka dihari penagihannya". (An-Nokia ; ayat 3310).

sms lucu terbaru - kata kata lucu gokil
kata kata lucu | sms lucu

Orang Kalau Kentut

Orang Amerika kentut bilang, "EXCUSE ME". Orang Inggris kentut

bilang, "PARDON ME". Orang Singapore kentut bilang, "I'M SORRY". Kalo

Orang Indonesia kentut, pasti bilang, "NOT ME!! NOT ME!!"


Kalo bahasa inggrisnya beras adalah rice

Kalo bahasa inggrisnya panjang adalah long

Jadi, K'lo bahasa inggrisnya beras panjang adalah LONGTONG


When i see baby, i remember "TEDDY BEAR DOLL".

When i see a little girl, i remember "BARBIE DOLL".

But when i see u, i remember "PANADOL"


Sifat cowok :

1. Kreatif

2. Ambisius

3. Modern

4. Pesimis

5. Radikal

6. Eksotik

7. Tangguh

Kalau di singkat, sifat cowok itu K.A.M.P.R.E. T.


Berita hari ini:

Seorang ibu & anaknya tewas akibat tersambar petir.

Kini polisi sedang berusaha untuk mengejar petir tsb



Anda mendapatkan kado dari Digital LG!!

Pilih yg anda suka :

1. Digi-Last Mobil

2. Digi-Link Truk

3. Digi-Ring Polisi

4. Digi-Git Anjing

5. Digi-Lir Banci

sms lucu terbaru - kata kata lucu gokil
kata kata lucu
Aku merasa SIMPATI padamu, karena km ibarat MENTARI yang sinarnya membuat hatiku sebening XL, dan aku bisa BEBAS mencintaimu, sepu-AS hatiku, dan kamu pantas di acungi JEMPOL, karena dari segi fisik kamu adalah cowok yang sangat FLEXI-bel. Oleh sebab itu kamu menjadi FRENS-ku sampai saat ini, sayang!!




dolar. . . .


Yen. . . .


Euro. . . .


Rupiah. . . .

hasil test mata:



"Ya, Tuhan... ampunilah yg baca sms ini, ia jarang berdoa! Hobinya hanya baca dan kirim sms aja."


Cara Awet Muda, yaitu :

1. Banyak minum air kelapa muda.

2. Minum jamu awet muda.

3. Makan "Daun Muda".

4. Punya "Istri Muda".


mw tau alasan knp aq sms qm...??

4% mw tw kabar

3% perhatian

2% kangen

1% peduli

90% sayang

iya,sayang banget!!!

sayang banget kalo sms gratis ga dimanfaatin!!!



Pagi ini..

Aku tak sanggup makan,karna ingat kamu..

Siang ini..

Ku tak enak makan,karna kangen kamu..

Malam ini..

Aku tak bisa tidur karna...




( |==O==,===:::


Q mænkn gitar utk mu,

Q nyanyikan lagu..!!

Nina bo2k oh Nina bo2k..

kLo tdk bo2k.. Q yg bo2k..!!

Good Night, met bo2k ya...


cinta itu buta, buta itu gelap, gelap itu hitam, hitam itu monyet, monyet itu yang baca sms ini.



/__ SMS GRatis. |


dren.. dren.. dren..

tiiid.. tiiid.. tiiid...

Awas... Sms Gratis mo lewat!


Pandangilah langit sebagai kebesaran tuhan, pandangilah laut sebagai anugrah tuhan, dan pandangilah cermin sebagai KUTUKAN TUHAN.


Aku Ingin Katakan Something To U Tapi Jangan Marah Yah! Jangan sampai pershabatan kita rusak.

Aq Tau ini Terlalu Cepat Sebelum Aku Terlambat dan Sebelum Orang Lain Katakan PadaMu Lebih Baik

Aku Katakan Sekarang kalo aku ingin bilang 1 2 3 jangan lupa pipis dulu kalo mau bobo'...!!!


Dinyanyikan dengan nada balonku ada lima

Sapiku ada lima

rupa-rupa warnanya

hitam putih kelabu

yang dua enggak tau

Sapiku hilang empat..aw..

hatiku sangat kacau

sapiku tinggal satu

mukanya kayak kamu


Carilah istri yang SALEHA (Suka Lupa Pake Beha) agar jadi SAKINAH (Sekali Kena Ingin Nambah) & jadilah suami yang SIAGA (Siap Antem Pakai Gaya Apa Saja).


Kita jangan jadi Generasi P18:

Pergi Pagi Pulang Petang Pala Pusing Perut Perih

Pinggang Pegal Pegal Pantat Panas Penis Penyakitan

Penghasilan Pas Pasan


Pohon Pisang,Pohon Palem

Tadi siang,sekarang malem

Pohon palem di seruduk kebo

Met malam, kebo...


Setelah JABOTABEK pemerintah akan membuat program 3 kota bersaudara ( Three sister cities ) yaitu NGAWI - CENGKARENG - CIOMAS yang apabila disingkat menjadi NGACENGMAS ....


Kakek moyangku seorang pelaut,

Punya senjata dibawah perut,

Bisa memanjang bisa mengkerut,

Sekali tembak perutmu gendut..


cinta ini, cinta adalah, cinta caraku, cinta untuk, cinta membuat, cinta monyet, cinta bingung.

"Bacalah tanpa menggunakan kata cinta".


Jika Anda Punya HP Nokia 3210 Segera Tukar Tambah Dengan Nokia 8210 cukup menambah 5000 saja.

3210 + 5000 = 8210


Hai orang2 beriman janganlah kamu meminum minuman keras karna itu adalh minuman setan dan jika kau terus meminumnya nanti setannya minum apaan?


orang gila ditegur orang sumbing. "dasar gila. celana difake tutufin fala... bukan difake tutufin fantat!"

jawab orang gila, "lu yang gila!!! bibir bagus2 digunting"


dokter RS jiwa melihat pasiennya buat kopi lalu memasukkan sebutir obat ke dalamnya.

dokter: obat apa yang dimasukkan ke kopimu?

pasien: obat penurun panas biar kopi cepet dingin!


Seorang tukang roti ditabrak metro mini, lalu polisi datang dan

bertanya, "ada apa Pak??" Si tukang roti yang uda sekarat

menjawab, "ada nanas, keju,coklat, dan mocca.."


Jatuh cinta berjuta rasanya ...

Jatuh dari sepeda cuma satu rasanya:



Nelpon ke semua operator cuma Rp. 10,-/jam mulai jam 06:00 sampai dengan 23:59.

Promo ini berlaku jika TELKOMSEL punya MBAHMU!!


Apakah Saudara tidak melihat lampu merah?" tanya

seorang polisi kepada seorang pengendara motor.

"Saya lihat, Pak."

"Lalu kenapa Saudara tidak berhenti?"

"Saya tidak melihat Bapak." :D


PLN mengumumkan PEMADAMAN LISTRIK BERGILIR sudah ditiadakan, diganti dengan PENYALAAN LISTRIK BERGILIR


Batang Jengkol Daunnya Dikit Bangeeet,

Orang Miscol Tandanya Pelit Bangeeet.

Judul Pantun : Orang miscol makanannya jengkol


Cara Ngerayu Cewek

cowo: Mbak, bapaknya ahli perbintangan ya??

Cewe: Ah.. tidak, memang kenapa??

cowo: Saya melihat bintang bersinar dimata mbak…

cowo: Maaf mba, jangan terlalu lama duduk dikursi itu, pindah dideket saya saja

Cewe: Loh?? kenapa??

Cowo: Takut dikerubung semut.. soalnya mba manis sih..

Cowo: “Mbak punya obeng nggak?”

Cewe: “Hah? Gak Punya tuh.”

Cowo: “Tapi kalo nomor telepon punya,kannn????”

cewe: ada palu mau?…

Cowo: “Sayang, kamu itu seperti sendok…”

Cewe: “Kenapa?”

Cowo: “Karena kamu ngaduk-ngaduk perasaan aku… aiihhhhh”


tau ga ?

dirimu seKOKOH candi borobudur

kasihmu seHANGAT gurun sahara

cintamu sePANJANG tembok cina




otakmu seMIRING menara pisa...


buat yg bs basa jawa

Kabar gembira 'Rencana Pemerintah Januari 2011'

akan memberi gaji bg para pengangguran sesuai lulusan sekolah yaitu:

1. SD = Rp 1.250.000

2. SMP = Rp 2.500.000

3. SMA = Rp 3.700.000

4. S1 = Rp 4.500.000

dengan syarat gaji tersebut dibayarkan dalam bentuk Yen, dengan ketentuan:

1. 'Yen' ono duit'e

2. 'Yen' SBY bapakmu

3. 'Yen' wakile pakdemu

4. 'Yen' betah ora guyu


aq berbaring d kmrku

aq menatap bintang yg

bersinar terang menerangiku

aq merasakan sinar bln msk ke tbhku

lama2 aq berpikir

genteng rmh gw k mana ya???


Lihat sekelilingmu, itu adalah kebesaran Tuhan.

Lihatlah keluargamu, itu adalah anugrah Tuhan.

Lihatlah di cermin, itu cobaan Tuhan!


Menurut penelitian terbaru oleh para ahli kedokteran, ternyata 100 % penyebab kematian seseorang adalah jantung, yaitu JANTUNGNYA BERHENTI BERDENYUT


broken heart sms for him

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kata - kata patah hati bahasa inggris
sms tentang pata hati, broken heart message
love poems broken heart

☻Some broken hearts, may never mend,
Some memories may never end,
Some wet tears may never dry,
But my love for you will never die…

☻Wen A Very Sweet N Close Person
Goes Too Far Frm Us,

We May Say Or Not Say
But Our Heart Says 2 Thr Heart:

"U Made Me Alone.."

☻The most critical moment in life.
When someone very special hurts you so deeply,
causes tears in your eyes.
and ask, “What happen”?
but you just reply, “NOTHING”

☻LOVE Is medicine,
For any kind of pain.
Be sure that…!
There is no medicine in the world,
For the pain given by LOVE.

☻The saddest wordz by a child,
who lost his parents in tsunami,
standing by the sea shore,
Sea i’ll never forgive you,
even if you touch my feet a thousand times.

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poems, quotes, text, song lyric, puisi, gambar
broken heart sms for him
broken heart sms for him

Is A Wound
No One Can "Heal"
Is A Gift
No One Can "Steal"

Keep Your Memories Intact

☻My hands never pain
when typing message for you..!
But my heart always in pain,
when there is no reply from you…!

broken heart sms for him, for her, love
poems, quotes, text, song lyric, puisi, gambar
broken heart sms for him
broken heart sms for him

i wish certain people wont tell me

that they love me..

wanna know why?

so that i wont waste my time
believing their

sweetest lies....

broken heart sms for him, for her, love
poems, quotes, text, song lyric, puisi, gambar
broken heart sms for him
broken heart sms for him

☻Love and Death
are two uninvited guests
When will they come..?
no body knows
both have similar effects
One takes the Heats
Other takes its beat.

☻i wish im a stone..

so when d tym comes dat dey want
me out of deir lyf
dey can throw me as far as dey cud.

i may break into pieces,

but atleast i wont fil any pain..

broken heart sms for him, for her, love
poems, quotes, text, song lyric, puisi, gambar
broken heart sms for him
broken heart sms for him

☻Memories play very confusing role.
Make you laugh when you remember
the time you cried together.
But make you cry when you remember
the time you laughed together.

There are two reasons why I wake up in the morning: my alarm clock and you.

☻There r few things
Tat must be don
B4 one says Goodbye
One's Eyes must
4get another's face
One's Ears must
4get another's voice
One's Mind must
4get another's name.
One's Heart must
4get that he/she had loved
that person more than
his/her own life

broken heart sms for him, for her, love
poems, quotes, text, song lyric, puisi, gambar
broken heart sms for him
broken heart sms for him

☻I really love U ... But U love some1 else
When I C U
I can't close my eyes
I just want U 2 say how much I care about U
May I could say U at someTime .....
I Love U More Than Myself

broken heart sms for him

flirt sms | Love SMS Poems Quote

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flirt sms | Love SMS Poems Quote - flirt sms | Love SMS Collection - Love Poems Quote - poetry sms
i love you sms - sms about love

☻Nice Kiss is on Head.
Sweet Kiss is on Cheeks.
Passionate Kiss is on Lips.
Romantic Kiss is on Neck
Seriously Hottest Kiss is on “IRON”
Try it now. Mmmmuah

☻Life is pretty much unpredictable. I may not live long enough but I won't miss out letting you know that life is worth living with someone like you around.

flirt sms | Love SMS Poems Quote
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flirt sms | Love SMS Poems Quote

☻I know you think I’m cute,
I know you think I’m gorgeous,
but like the other guys
take a number and wait in line!!

☻A smile is the best lighting system of the face, the best cooling system of the head, and the best warming system of the heart. Keep smiling! =)

☻Always remember:
When a girl cancels a date
it is because She “Has To”
When a boy cancels a date
it si becasuse He “Has Two”

flirt sms | Love SMS Poems Quote
flirt sms quote sms love poems poetry
flirt sms | Love SMS Poems Quote

☻Love is an illusion!
Its a highly dependency disorder
of weak hearted people.
People with strong hearts
believe in FLIRTING :p

☻1+1=2 eyes look at u...
12+12=24 hours thinking about u...
3+4=7 days in week missing u...
1+11=12 months I always need A SWEET PERSON like U

flirt sms | Love SMS Poems Quote
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flirt sms | Love SMS Poems Quote

I want to say a word to u !!
That starts with u
and ends on u
that truly defines u
that word is
“ULLU” …..

☻I believe that God above created you for me to love. He picked me
out from all the rest because he knew I”d love you the best!

☻One who somes, has a SMOKY heart,
One who drinks, has an ALCOHOLIC heart...
So dear U must STOP eating SWEETS...
as u r already a SWEETEHART!**

flirt sms | Love SMS Poems Quote
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flirt sms | Love SMS Poems Quote

☻Boy1: Meet my wife Tina
Boy2: Oh! I know her
Boy1: How?
Boy2: We were caught sleeping together.
Boy1: What the hell!
Boy2: 10 years ago, during lecture in Maths class

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flirt sms quote sms love poems poetry
flirt sms quote sms love poems poetry

☻A - U r Attractive
B - U r the Best
C - U r Cute
D - U r Dear 2 Me
E - U r Excellent
F - U r Funny
G - U r Good-Looking
H - hehehe
I - I'm

☻Please pray for me,
my condition is very serious.
I am getting day by day
M0re Cute
M0re good l0oking
L0vely and smart
and there is no cure of it

flirt sms | Love SMS Collection - Love Poems Quote
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flirt sms | Love SMS Collection - Love Poems Quote

☻Never ever reject any girls in your life..!
A good girls gives you happiness.
Bad girls gives you experience!

flirt sms | Love SMS Collection - Love Poems Quote
flirt sms quote sms love poems poetry
flirt sms | Love SMS Collection - Love Poems Quote

☻From Monday to Sunday,
From January To December,
From birth till my death,
my feelings for you have never changed.
For me, you’ve always been……….. a headache !

flirt sms | Love SMS Collection - Love Poems Quote
flirt sms quote sms love poems poetry
flirt sms | Love SMS Collection - Love Poems Quote

☻2days weather 4cast: it wud b cloudy if u frown, rainy if u cry, clear if ur happy, sunny if u smile & stormy if u sing!

☻difference between good girls
and very good girls.
Good girls open few buttons
when environment is hot.
Very good girls open all buttons
to make environment hot

flirt sms | Love SMS Collection - Love Poems Quote
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flirt sms | Love SMS Collection - Love Poems Quote

☻Last night some Monkeys came running to my room.They wanted to trouble
good people... I suggested ur name.They said Oh!!!No we cant disturb our Boss...

flirt sms | Love SMS Collection - Love Poems Quote
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flirt sms | Love SMS Collection - Love Poems Quote

☻Let us live!!!
Let us love!!!
Let us share
the deepest secrets of our souls!!!
You first.

☻This my most beautiful SMS for you
If you read you owe me a HUG,
If you delete you Owe me a kiss,
If you save you owe me a DATE,
If you return text message to me,
You OWE me All,
But if you ignore,
You are MINe!
So wat will You do?

flirt sms | Love SMS Collection - Love Poems Quote
flirt sms quote sms love poems poetry
flirt sms | Love SMS Collection - Love Poems Quote

☻Could u fax me ur photo very very urgently ? Mind u -
it's really very very urgent, damn serious and very imp
.... I'm playing cards and we've misplaced the JOKER

☻Today night I would like to
kiss you and bite you strongly.
Do you accept this waiting for your permission
yours lovingly Mosquito

flirt sms | Love SMS Collection - Love Poems Quote
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flirt sms | Love SMS Collection - Love Poems Quote

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love poems with picture

☻Three types to break mirror:
1. Throw stone on mirror.
2. Take mirror and just drop it.
3. You just go and stand before the mirror and smile.

☻Think Big,
Think Smart,
Think Positive,
Think Beautiful,
just Stop?
It’s too long for you.
So, in short ” Just Think About Me”.

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love poems with picture

☻It's a test to check your capability of Mathematics
But you have 2 read this msg for only once.......
R u ready??
Here We Go....
How many Times Did u Press The Button

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love poems with picture
☻Hi, How are you…?
Are you free tomorrow..?
Can you come to me..?
Because tomorrow we are opening new
Mental Hospital
admission free, special offer for you.

☻When u feel lonely
and alone & cannot see any one around you,
the world seems to be fading away,
come along with me I'll take u to an eye specialist!

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love poems with picture

good morning sms

☻Think Big,
Think Smart,
Think Positive,
Think Beautiful,
just Stop?
It’s too long for you.
So, in short ” Just Think About Me”.

☻In the morning I do not eat
because I think of you,
at noon I do not eat
because I think of you,
in the evening I do not eat
because I think of you,
at night I do not sleep
because I am hungry

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love poems with picture

☻whenever u feel sadness in your HEART,
blackness in your EYES,
paleness on your FACE,
fragrance in your body, it shows u are suffering lack of vitamin "ME".

☻Today, tomorrow and forever
there will be one heart
that would always beat for you.
You know whose?
Hey, your own stupid.

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love poems with picture

☻Puppy dog asked to mummy dog: Mummy who is my Father.Mummy: Baby, keep silence, don't disturb your Father, he is reading this SMS now.

☻I want to touch you all over again n again.
through my heart and feeling

☻Today is International Handsome Boys
and Beautiful Girls day!
So send this message to someone
who looks smart and cute…
Be true.. Don’t cheat like me

☻Whatever high the sky may be…..
Whatever wide the River may be….
Whatever green a tree may be…..
just Remember….
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love poems with picture

flirt sms - i love you message

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flirt sms - i love you message
i love you flirt short message

☻What do you think,
why I sms you?
Is it because I care you
I miss you?
I like you?
I need you?
I’ve to utilize free sms package.

☻I used to think that dreams do not come true, but this quickly changed the moment I laid my eyes on you.

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i love you message for him, images
i love you message
i love you message

☻U R 100% beautiful,
U R 100% lovely,
U R 100% sweet,
U R 100% nice, and
U R 100% stupid to believe these words...

☻If love & friendship could be brought or sold as if they were Stocks & Shares those wise enough to invest in you SEXY would all be millionaires!!!

☻A peach is a peach, a plum is a plum, a kiss isn't a kiss without the tongue, so open ur mouth & close ur eyes & give ur tongue some exercise

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i love you message for him, images
i love you message
i love you message

☻A B C D E F G H
1 missing in above
why are you reading again?
shame on you…!
In ABCD where comes 1.

☻If you say my eyes are beautiful it's because they're looking at you, for my eyes are just the windows my feelings come through.

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i love you message for him, images
i love you message
i love you message

☻Open with Love...
If I disturb U
I am Sorry!
But I need
To Say
Disturbing you...

☻I think;
I should tell you
what people are saying behind your back
Nice Ass!!!!!!!

☻Walk with me when ur hearts needs company, take my hand when u feel all alone, turn to me when u need some1 to lean on, coz I'm the one u can always depend on!

☻Everybody wants
someone special
someone innocent
someone nice
someone cool
someone sweet
someone cute
someone intelligent
But why always ME, ME and ME..???

i love you message for her, text message, miss you, quotes
i love you message for him, images
i love you message
i love you message

☻Why do U think I SMS u ?
Is it because I care ? Or I miss u ?
Or I love u ? Or I need You ? No ! It's b'coz...
I need a person for just time pass

If you want to protect your face
from dust, sunrise and other such things,
then apply Master Paints exterior emulsion
with 7 years guarantee!

☻Best way to purpose a girl.
Take her to sea,
Say her to sit in a boat.
Then take the boat in the middle of sea.
Then say Marry Me
Leave My Boat.
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Love Sms - Quotes about Love

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☻Of all the friends I've ever met. Your the one I won't forget. And if I die before you do, I'll go to heaven and wait for you.

☻When the night comes, look at the sky. If you see a falling star, don't wonder why, just make a wish. Trust me, it will come true, because I did it and I found you.

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love sms, love quotes about love

☻Words however special... could never even start, to tell you all the love I have for you within my heart. xXx

☻I feel something in my heart, it's like a little flame, every time I see you, this flame lights up, this flame is special for you, because I LOVE YOU!.…

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☻Love under the stars... they seem very far, but you are so close the star I love the most.

love sms, love quotes about love

love sms, love quotes about love

☻Somewhere, some1 dreams of your smile & finds your presence in life so worthwhile. So when your lonely, remember its true that some1, somewhere, is thinking of u.

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☻I remember him not as the
one who broke my heart.
But I remember him as the
one who teach me
how to live with a broken heart.

☻I cannot erase from my heart
sweet memories of you
thy tongue sharp as a dart
my poor heart eschew.

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broken heart sms message, love poems about broken heart imges, picture, tumblr

☻Everyone in your life
will hurt you sooner or later.
But you will have to decide.
What is more important?
The Pain Or The Person…??

☻Have u ever been hurt and the place tries to heal a bit
and u just pull the scar off of it over and over again...

☻I know,
She was the the most prestigious GIFT.
I ever received!
Sometimes I really feel
I was just a GAME she played!

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broken heart sms message, love poems about broken heart imges, picture, tumblr

☻Real Tears Are Not Those
That Fall From Eyes
And Cover The Face,
But Those That Fall From Heart
And Cover The Soul …

☻So I guess that I'm da loser
Cause u hav found some1 new
But I'm still here, still all alone
Just crying over u

love sms about broken heart
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broken heart sms message, love poems about broken heart imges, picture, tumblr

☻When I was a kid.
I wanted to grow up soon.
Now that I grown up,
I realize that wounded emotions
and broken hearts.

love sms about broken heart
broken heart sms message, love poems about broken heart
broken heart sms message, love poems about broken heart imges, picture, tumblr

Nobody in the world
can have a crystal clear HEART
Because everyone’s HEART
has some scratches scribbled by their DEAR ONES.

☻I reeally luv YU ... Buh YU luv sum 1 else
Wen I Cee U
I cant cloze my eyes
I jus want YU 2 sey how much I care abt YU
Mey I cud sey YU at sum Timee .....
I Luv YU Mor Than My self
love sms about broken heart

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broken heart sms message, love poems about broken heart imges, picture, tumblr

love sms about broken heart