sms patah hati berbahasa inggis - romantic message for broken hearted :lol:
love sms about broken heart
broken heart sms message, love poems about broken heart imges, picture, tumblr
☻I remember him not as the
one who broke my heart.
But I remember him as the
one who teach me
how to live with a broken heart.
☻I cannot erase from my heart
sweet memories of you
thy tongue sharp as a dart
my poor heart eschew.
love sms about broken heart
broken heart sms message, love poems about broken heart imges, picture, tumblr
☻Everyone in your life
will hurt you sooner or later.
But you will have to decide.
What is more important?
The Pain Or The Person…??
☻Have u ever been hurt and the place tries to heal a bit
and u just pull the scar off of it over and over again...
☻I know,
She was the the most prestigious GIFT.
I ever received!
Sometimes I really feel
I was just a GAME she played!
love sms about broken heart
broken heart sms message, love poems about broken heart imges, picture, tumblr
☻Real Tears Are Not Those
That Fall From Eyes
And Cover The Face,
But Those That Fall From Heart
And Cover The Soul …
☻So I guess that I'm da loser
Cause u hav found some1 new
But I'm still here, still all alone
Just crying over u
love sms about broken heart

broken heart sms message, love poems about broken heart imges, picture, tumblr
☻When I was a kid.
I wanted to grow up soon.
Now that I grown up,
I realize that wounded emotions
and broken hearts.
love sms about broken heart

broken heart sms message, love poems about broken heart imges, picture, tumblr
Nobody in the world
can have a crystal clear HEART
Because everyone’s HEART
has some scratches scribbled by their DEAR ONES.
☻I reeally luv YU ... Buh YU luv sum 1 else
Wen I Cee U
I cant cloze my eyes
I jus want YU 2 sey how much I care abt YU
Mey I cud sey YU at sum Timee .....
I Luv YU Mor Than My self
love sms about broken heart

broken heart sms message, love poems about broken heart imges, picture, tumblr
love sms about broken heart